Imagine a place inside you where everything you have buried waits—the thoughts you won’t speak, the desires too impossible to hold—pressed into the walls until even you forget them.
But arousal knows. It moves like water through cracks, like heat finding what is frozen. It does not ask why you turned away, why you locked the door. It moves. And when you let it, it finds everything.
The places you gripped down, the moments you swore never again. Lit up like a river at night, like breath at the moment before surrender.
Suddenly, you step into the sealed spaces, once forbidden now open, now moving. It all flows back into the great river. The things you feared, your longings, your shadows eroticized, transmuted, released. It all flows back into the great river.
The things you feared, your longings, your shadows: eroticized, transmuted, released.