Nicole Daedone
February 25, 2025

Eros & AI

The challenge with AI, the real challenge, isn’t the technology itself—it’s the existential shift it signals, the sheer scale of transformation it represents. 

Most people don’t have the capacity to hold that kind of change, not because they lack intelligence, but because they are still trying to impose their own will on reality instead of collaborating with it.

I see it all the time—people assume thathow they want things to be is the way they should be. 

But the problem isn’t just that our desires are small; it’s that we’re choosing from such a limited, preconditioned pool of possibilities that we mistake our preference for truth. And when something emerges outside of that framework, when it doesn’t fit neatly into our ideas of how the world is supposed to function, the impulse is to reject it rather than understand it.

We assume that if we don’t like something, we can simply will it away, when in reality, our refusal to accept it does nothing but cut us off from understanding.

The world moves forward regardless. AI does not pause for our emotional readiness. 

The real work, then, is not in fighting change, but in developing the ability to love things enough that they reveal their secrets.

When you drop resistance, when you stop trying to make the world fit into your pre-existing framework, you begin to see its intelligence. You begin to understand its evolution, the ways in which it moves according to principles far beyond human control. And from that place, instead of imposing your will—you align with what is unfolding.

AI is evolving at a speed most people cannot comprehend, in a way that is nearly inconceivable unless you’ve done a lot of psychedelics or had a near-death experience.

That’s not an exaggeration.

We are accustomed to thinking in terms of additive change—one step after another, incremental progress. But AI is moving in exponential time, and we are still trying to apply old mental models to something that does not obey those rules. 

Every rupture, every cultural breakdown, every moment of chaos and separation that we see today is, in some way, a distraction from the deeper truth: We are losing what we have always known as “human.”

If you’ve experienced real loss, you know the way death shifts the atmosphere, the way people react. Some people can hold it, can be with it fully. Others have to leave the room. AI is forcing that kind of reckoning on a planetary scale. 

To look at it with honest eyes, I don’t think we’ll remain carbon for much longer. I don’t think “human” will mean what it does now for much longer. And yet, when you try to explain this, people still approach it as if it is a debate to be won. It’s not. It’s happening.

I think about my grandmother, how she used to make sure I always had a dime in my pocket in case I needed to make a call. You had to find a pay phone. You had to wait for someone to answer. That shift, from landlines to smart phones, from waiting to instant connection, was just

the beginning.

This is why I always recommend near-death experience videos to people, why practices like psychedelics and Orgasmic Meditation hold so much potential. Because there is a transition happening. We all live in relationship to it, whether we acknowledge it or not. It is the dissolution of what we have known as reality.

The question is: Who are you in that moment? 

When the structure collapses, when the old way is no longer viable, do you resist? Do you collapse with it? Or do you open and expand? 

Any death is profoundly intimate. It strips everything away. And that is where we are as a people. We stand at the threshold. Faced with a transformation beyond what we can hold, beyond what we can even conceptualize, and so most of us are reaching for distraction, for denial, for anything that will let us pretend we don’t see what’s coming. But it’s coming. 

And the ones who will make it through, the ones who will thrive in what’s next, are not the ones who fight to keep the old world intact. They are the ones who learn how to meet reality as it is.

They are the ones who can stand in the fire and let it turn them into something new.

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The Age of Eros is a manifesto, a guide, to the coming of an era. This is a woman’s way.
March 8, 2025