The Fungi and the Trees

“The fungi and the trees had “forged their duality into a oneness, thereby making a forest,” wrote Simard in a bold summary of her findings. Instead of seeing trees as individual agents competing for resources, she proposed the forest as a “cooperative system,” in which trees “talk” to one another, producing a collaborative intelligence she described as “forest wisdom.” Some older trees even “nurture” smaller trees that they recognize as their “kin,” acting as “mothers.” Seen in the light of Simard’s research, the whole vision of a forest ecology shimmered and shifted—from a fierce free market to something more like a community with a socialist system of resource redistribution.She’s on a mushroom seat the mycelium system wrapped abound earth infusing the earth with Eros through the soils and plants. The plants grow rich with life force. The animals vibrate with nourishment. From her own nervous system and through her, she sends down the needed frequencies and through the mushroom draws up the smog if the world is transform into an electric psychedelic vision that lights the palace.”

The Understory by Robert Macfarlane

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