For a long time, women have typically had three options for presenting themselves in the public sphere:
Fragile Feminine
Embittered Feminine
and Masculine Feminine.
None offer access to true, native feminine power. Each one a fragment, a derivative, or a distortion.
But now, a new era is upon us. We seem to have elected to include some new qualities, what I call ‘the triple threat of the feminine’: strong, alluring, & intelligent.
Tulsi Gabbard embodies these qualities.
She is so profoundly feminine and strong at the same time. She’s intelligent, she’s alluring, she owns her presence as a woman without apology. And we haven’t had many role models like that.
Oprah broke ground for so many of us, but at the time, she could only be two out of three. She was strong and intelligent, but she had to keep sexuality off the table. No one thought, “I want to get down with Oprah.” Not because she didn’t have that energy, but because she chose to leave it out of the equation.
Madonna, on the other hand, went for alluring and strong, but she never leaned into intelligence as a defining trait.
But now we’re at a turning point.
Women are finally allowed to hold all three dimensions of themselves at once—intelligent, strong, and alluring.
And it’s profound. Everything will be changed if we can fully make this shift.
For so long, attractive women were taken down by other women. Crabs in a barrel, trading in subtle character assassination whenever someone dared to have all three.
There was an unspoken rule: If she had it all, she was a threat.
I love seeing it come into full view.
I love looking at beautiful women, listening to articulate, intelligent women, and being in love with women—not just romantically, but in that deep, undeniable way where their power and presence make you feel something magnetic.
Enter the era of the triple threat.