On Spiritual Bypassing (part 2)

There is a potent addiction to pain in this culture.
Unprocessed pain in the body looks to feed on more pain.
It starts fights, it looks for outrage and drama, it defends its right to look upon others with disdain and superiority.

It will see condescension as a way of goading. Or inflammatory words or what are called “slur” words that bypass critical thinking and go straight for the jugular.

We have an economy of pain and like junkies who will do anything for their hit and justify it anyway they can, you will see troll-ish language, dramatic exasperation, de-platforming, and cancellation. This is because we are not equipped to be with pain, to digest it and convert it to wisdom. 

There are those who are stuck in the “non-dual” god realm who speak from above in supercilious ways.

There are those who always have their dukes up and don’t even recognize when warmth is offered.

There are those who throw the fuel of their personal agenda on every post to feel significant.

How many people for no apparent reason want to post about Palestine or Israel or any of the hot topics on a post that has absolutely nothing to do with those issues because it makes them feel significant?

There are those who get mad but genuinely want to dialog. They are looking for true dharma, real truth.  

It is neither suppressing the rage we all can feel nor dumping it on others. It’s walking always towards the North Star of truth, making mistakes, but with unwavering intent, and engaging with that intent in a way where all become wiser in the process.

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